Real-time Alerts
Real-time data and alarming to prevent sanitary sewer overflows and basement backups
Real-Time Alerts
The key to efficient operating and environmental compliance is to never allow the “adverse” event to happen in the first place. This means that situations affecting collection system performance need to be predictable with enough advance notice so that utility personnel will have sufficient forewarning to effectively mitigate any impending problems. Upon wastewater levels reaching a user-defined height, early-warning cellular text messages are dispatched alerting maintenance personnel of the possibility of a surcharge event or residential back-up.

Video Playback™

Through a totally unique feature called Playback™, understanding what transpired during an unexpected situation becomes as simple as watching an animated video of the changes in collection system performance between normal and abnormal conditions. With a few clicks of a button, O&M personnel can view either in historical or real-time mode, changes in collection system conditions prior to, during and after an alert has been initiated.
Dynamic visuals provide a moving timeline of performance for each monitored location. Updated every 5 minutes, sites responsible for erratic behavior are immediately brought to attention through the availability of simple to understand animated videos.
Within minutes of watching Playback, operating and engineering personnel are armed with the ability to visually determine the factors responsible for each alarmed event.
Predictive Sewer Monitoring
35% of all municipal sewer lines are jetted unnecessarily, ultimately resulting in huge amounts of wasted time, money and clean water, while other lines are unknowingly not cleaned prior to a problem occurring. The primary reason for this situation is simple; a scarcity of information relating to current operating conditions. iTracker smart sensor analytics, by having the ability to recognize increasing diurnal flow patterns and enable preset user alerts, now becomes a proactive solution for providing positive confirmation of the necessity for cleaning.